We serve the sport of Disc Golf by maintaining courses and running events, leagues and tournaments across the CSRA both in Georgia and South Carolina. The ADGA is responsible for cleanup days, upgrades to courses and the health of the sport in general in the Central Savannah River Area. It is the governing body of the sport in the CSRA.
Anyone can join the club, whether you are a seasoned pro, or just threw your first game today. The ADGA is for all skill levels and anyone who wants to help the sport grow, learn more about the sport, or just be involved in the community. The club was established in 1990 when the need for such a club was noticed. The ADGA is closely linked to many other clubs in the area, and also other area Leagues.
The club can help you, your group, or organization put on a “disc golf outing”, run a tournament, or anything Disc Golf related.
Feel free to contact one of the officers by clicking on the Officers page listing above for more information.